
Advertising & Digital

Today, the internet is part of all homes and all businesses. Moreover, the COVID-19 health crisis has highlighted the importance of this tool for digital businesses. So, digital advertising is now vital. 

Digital advertising in figures 

Research by Digital 2021 Report found that 91% of the French population has the internet and 75.9% of French people have a social media profile (these sites represent the main use of the internet ahead of streaming and podcast services). 

In addition, 95.7% of the French population aged 16 to 64 have a smartphone (versus 79.8% for desktop and laptop computers). 

For brands, the web is like a playing field that enables them to target the right person at the right time with the right message. However, they still need to know what rules to follow and practices to apply. 

Digital advertising guidelines 

Obviously, we do not communicate in the same way online as through traditional channels. The internet is all about immediacy and emotions. It is also no longer enough to know how to communicate and create impactful messages to be visible with online media. 

User experience, data marketing and web development are now integral parts of each digital communication project. Not to mention the fact that this channel is constantly evolving and requires you to continuously reinvent yourself. 

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